Friday, October 26, 2012

World leaders

Mexico                                                                                                                   China
Constitutional- based federal republic                                                              Communist
Felipe Calderon                                                                                                      Hu Jintao
Today in human geo we reveiwed all the religions, and what would most likely be on the test.Shick gave us examples and we worked on answer questions for eachother. We review buddism judiasm islam christianity and hinduism. We also talked about the five characteristics of culture. We discussed about the native Americans, the vikings and cristopher columbus. We talked freely aroung the room and gave Mr.Shick many questions for on the test.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Questions for test

1. Put Christianity, Islam, Buddism, Hinduism and Judaism in order by number of followers. Least to Greatest. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism
2. Define wether these religions are monotheistic or polytheistic.
Word Bank:
Chritianity Monotheistic, Islam Monotheistic, Buddism, Hinduism Monotheistic, Judaism Montotheistic.
3. What religion is the oldest surviving monotheistic religion? Judaism
4. Do Christians have a holy book? If so, what is it? The New Testimate
5. How many people in the world have no religion/beleifs at all? 1 billion

BONUS QUESTION: Write down three ways to name the Islamic holy book. Quran,Koran, Coran

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Hinduism in class today

Today was a rather intresting day. Mr.Shick came in late, so i was on watchout for a bit. Anyway, We reviewed Cristianity and Islam and learned more about Hinduism. Christinity is monotheistic, and has over 1.7 billion followers. Christianity is mostly based in the Americas. Christianity's holy book is the Gospel. Not the bible. Most Chirstians beleive in the new testimate. Islam(muslim) is where people believe in Allah. America is in a war will the middle east because of some Islamic extemeist. Islam is based in the middle east. Hinduism Is monotheistic. Hindus beleive that a God keeps reincarnating as a new animal. There is also a heaven but it takes a very long time to get in to it.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

October 11, 2012

Today was quite intresting. We started out by evaluating a map that was highlighted the borders of the counties in America. The map was about what counties say most popularly for soft drinks. Mr.Shick informed us that where he was from, everyone said pop. I am used to saying soda. We analyzed the map. The main lesson of the day was about cultural characteristics. We talked about how in most middle eastern countries, the main language spoke is Arabic, We talked about how this could be good and how it could be bad. English is the language of buiness and trade. Even in China, most people know how to speak english. About 80% of Americans speak english. The second language spoken is Spanish. Canada speaks mostly english but in sopme terriories, Canadians speak French, for instence Quebec wanted their own country because Quebec spoke mostly French and Quebec wanted their own government and culture. Language is a big characteristic in culture.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Oct 4,

Today in human geo our class talked about a variety of things. We disussed a little about the movie we previously watched "God Grew Tired of Us," and we spoke about how we could help the less fortunate in Africa and mainly Sudan. We searched up different types of charitable organizations that  were in relation with the lost boys of Sudan. The group that I was in discovered two foundations that helped the less fortunate in Africa. Our first was Tom's. If you were to buy any pair of Tom's, a pair would be sent to a kid in Africa who needs shoes. Our second finding was an organization by the name of HelpSudan. This organization is a non-profit organization that many can donate to help the people in Africa who can't afford school supplies for children. The money also goes to help build classrooms and schools.