Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Today in Western civ, we reviewed on what the deffinition of Hellenistic was. Hellenistic is the time preiod in which Greece ruled most of everything in the Medditeranian. We looked on why Athens lost the Peloponisian war. We started on a project about Alexander the Great. I was always very intrested in him. He never lost a war and died suddenely at age 32. Most people thought that he was the greatest war general of all time and was the son of Zeus. he did a lot of great things for Greece to make it what it is today.


Hellenistic- "Inernational period" of Greek history when much of the Medditerrenean and southwestern aisa was under Greek rule.

Athens was the stongest city-state and Sparta had a strong military. Athens one strong point was it's navy. Athens plan was to surround Sparta, but the exact opposite happened. Athens lost their ships and was unable to get any other resources. Sparta held on and the "Black Death" wipped out most of Athens people. In 205 BC the spartans destroyed the Athenian fleet. In 413 BC Athens lost two thirds of it's fleet. Then the Black plague killed their highest leader. This strongly hurt Athens because there was no one leader an it was complete chaos. After the Black Plague, Athens did not have enough people nor resources to continue with the war and eventually lost the war.

359 BC- Was the time of the pre Julian Roman Calender. The Macedonian king is killed and Pericleas dies.