Monday, April 22, 2013


Carthage and Rome share the island inbetween Carthage and Rome. Rome wins the first punic war.  Rome holds off Carthage and wins second punic war. Rome destroyed Carthage. Punic wars Rome wins all three. While the armies where fighting, the rich would help the poor out.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


The Latins gave us our alphabet, they came to Rome first. They should rule becasue they were in the perfect location. Tarquin was the last king of Rome, old school type tyrant. He was harsh to the people and not very fair. The Romans loved how the Greeks did things, they modeled almost everything the Greeks did. They decided to get rid of the whole monarchy. Romans moved to democracy. They combined everything together to make respublica (latin for the people's job), combination of 3 governments. They formed the senate, 300 people, they made laws and interprated laws. There were a lot more common people than the rich people. When they first formed the government, it was the rich people ruled everything, rich people on knew the laws and the common people were punished because they didnt know the laws, the common people did the 12 tables and fought against the rich to tell the and keep them informed about the laws. The 12 tables was almost like the 10 ammenments, but it told the common people what the rules were and what the punishments were if they broke a law. The romans liked the idea of a monarchy, but they didnt like how they couln't kick someone out. the common people could veto, the senate elected new people every year.

Friday, April 12, 2013


-       The Romans where war like people whos first wars were against the Etruscans, Italian tribes, and barbarians.
-      After the Romans settled, they looked for allies an new land. The Roman military was exceptional friendly to the enemies.
-       Defeated enemies were often made allies and basically became a Roman citizen.

-       They controlled the Italian peninsula

-       The Roman Colonist were jubiliant about the rights of citizenship because it was almost the same as being a true citizen who lived in Rome itself.
-       The Allies wanted full citizenship, these were denied

-       Rome became an expanding, absoptive political entity

-       By 250 B.C Rome conquered most of Italy, now this brought another rival city

-       Carthage was founded in 700 B.C by Pheonician colonists.

-       Carthage was a lot like Rome and had spred it's influences to North Africa, southern Spain, Corsica, and Sicily.

-       The wars happened between 264-146 B.C(three rounds)

-       The second punic war happened in 202 B.C

-        The third war happened in 146 B.C
