Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Chinese

Today in Human Geograpghy we learned a variety of things about the Chinese and their life styles. I learned that China can barely support its people. There are two ways to make money. Either work a hard grueling job in the country side for a it better pay or work for eight hours in a factory for much less than minimal wage in America. China has a booming economy because of its exports. If you were to go into any wal-mart in America, 85% to 90% of the items were made and esembled in China. I learned more about the one child policy. China loves its kids, but can't afford to have much population growth.

Monday, November 26, 2012

A bit about China

I got my test back today. I did great on it. The test was about our world leaders today and what they do, where they live and rule, what they look like etc. Today Mr.Schick started a video on china and how the one child policy is effecting many families in china. Natural disasters cause families to loose a one and only child.  The government allows the families to try to have another child again, if they can prove they lost a child. Communism in china also plays a big effect. Families may not have enough money to provide for multiple childeren. We discussed about how brand names in china plays a huge rule in the economy. Shoes will cost $5 to make but will sell for over $100.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Country facts


Was founded in 625 BCE by the median empire. Iran achieved independence on April 1, 1979. Iran was ruled by empires. Iran did not have a stable government before 1979. Iran was always Iran, it was ruled by many empires through the years.

Was ruled by spain until September 16th 1810, when Mexico acheived independence. In 1521 Spain conquered and colonized the territory now known has Mexico. The post independence period was characterized by economic instability, a civil war, two empires and a domestic dictatorship.

was never ruled by another empire. Was founded in 1932. Has been and absolute monarchy since its inception.

United Kingdom-
has never been ruled, but once ruled the world at one point in time. The sun never set on the Brittish empire. The United Kingdom once ruled America and many other countries.

Was colonized by Spain in 1522. Venezuala gained independence in 1821. Was ruled by Spain. Venezuala had many indigidous peoples living. Before independence Many indigeous people lived here.


Gained Independence on August 19th,1919

In Afghan on December 1838 there was a war called the Two Anglo Afghan War. In the fourth and nineteenth centuries modern day Afghanistan was known as Khorasan. After the Third Anglo-Afghan war and the signing of the Treaty of Rawalpindi it became a fully independent state

They were subjects to the United Kingdom


Gained Independence on September 7th, 1822

On April 22nd, 1500 a Portuguese navigator named Pedro Alvares Cabral reached the shores of Brazil. The country got its name from "brazilwood" a redwood tree found along the coast. The king of Portuguese ruled Brazil before they gained indepenence.

They were subjects to portuguese


They gained independence on July 14th, 1789

France used to have a monarchy until the 1700's. King Louis XIV made France at the time the leading country in Europe. France's monarchy was destroyed after a war in 1789.

France was never owned by any country

Location of  Metropolitan France  (dark green)– in Europe  (green & dark grey)– in the European Union  (green)  —  [Legend]


They gained independence on January 18th, 1871

Germany was part of the thirty years war. Germany divided into numerous independent states called Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony. The northern states in Germany were protestant, and the southern states were catholic.

I couldn't find anything but im gonna guess the Dutch

Location of  Germany  (dark green)– in Europe  (green & dark grey)– in the European Union  (green)  —  [Legend]


They gained there independence on August 15th, 1947

In the 20th century Mahatma Gandhi led millions of people to gain independence from Britain. European powers such as Portugal, Netherlands, France and the United Kingdom established trading posts in India. Later then they established colonies.

They were controlled by Great Britain.

Image of a globe centred on India, with India highlighted.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Another world leaders conversation

Today we had another conversation about world leaders. We discussed our new president Obama and he won his second term in office. We learned a variety of backrounds. Dilma Rouseff  was  beaten and tourtured because they government didnt like what she was doing. She is now the first female president of Brazil. Hugo chavis has been in jail. Hu jintao is at the end of his long run in China. David Cameron was once involved in a drug allegation earlier in his career. We learned about Abudullah Bin Abudull Aziz, he has 35 kids and has had 13 wives. Erique pena nieto is very involved in a security program in his country. Hamid karzai is the first leader of Afganistan after the taliaban.

Monday, November 5, 2012


Hu Jintao-
1) Still one of the only leaders who are communist
2) Lowered the population of China

Enrique pena nieto-
1) A member of the international revolutionary party
2)The former governor of the state of Mexico from 2005 to 2011

Francois Holland-
1) Special advisory for the president of france,before he to office.

Dilma Rouseff-
1) She is the first president as a woman in Brazil.
2) she was captured and tourtured.

Hugo Chavis-

Abdullah Bin Abdull Aziz-
1)Hes had 35 kids and 13 wives
2)He has recently became president

Pranab Mukhejee-

David Cameron-
1) the youngest elected prime minister since earl of liverpool
2) Joined the conservative research department and became special advisor to Norman Lamont.
3) Was involed in a drug scadal at eton college

Joachin Gauck

Shiman Peres-

Mahoud Ahmadinjad-

Hamid Karzai-
1) Many people have tried to assasinate him.
2) He is the ruler after the Taliben

Barrack Obama-
1) The first African American President

Benjamin Netanyahu
1) The first isreal prime minister born in Israel  after founding of the state.
2) Bacame team leader in sayeret ma'kal special forces unit