Monday, November 5, 2012


Hu Jintao-
1) Still one of the only leaders who are communist
2) Lowered the population of China

Enrique pena nieto-
1) A member of the international revolutionary party
2)The former governor of the state of Mexico from 2005 to 2011

Francois Holland-
1) Special advisory for the president of france,before he to office.

Dilma Rouseff-
1) She is the first president as a woman in Brazil.
2) she was captured and tourtured.

Hugo Chavis-

Abdullah Bin Abdull Aziz-
1)Hes had 35 kids and 13 wives
2)He has recently became president

Pranab Mukhejee-

David Cameron-
1) the youngest elected prime minister since earl of liverpool
2) Joined the conservative research department and became special advisor to Norman Lamont.
3) Was involed in a drug scadal at eton college

Joachin Gauck

Shiman Peres-

Mahoud Ahmadinjad-

Hamid Karzai-
1) Many people have tried to assasinate him.
2) He is the ruler after the Taliben

Barrack Obama-
1) The first African American President

Benjamin Netanyahu
1) The first isreal prime minister born in Israel  after founding of the state.
2) Bacame team leader in sayeret ma'kal special forces unit

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