Monday, December 10, 2012


Today in human geo, we met a new Japenese student whose name was Ryu. He was very nice and he spoke okay English. We mainly worked on our presentation. Our group is doing the Iphone and why Americans should buy Iphones made in America. MAC is slowly but surley changing to American factories to assembly and design parts for not only Iphones but Ipods, Laptops, computers and Ipads. This would be better because it creates more jobs for Americans. My group finished 2 slides and added good information. Mr.Schick helped us find websites. We found one that was written by a quick witted reporter about why Iphones should be assembeled in America. This will be our main source of information.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Deffinitions we should know

Capitalism-An economic system that is based on private ownership of the means of productive and the productive of goods or services for profit.

Communism- is a revolutionary socialist movement to create a classlessand stateless social order structured uponcommon ownership of the means of production, as well as a social, politicaland economic ideology that aims at the establishment of this social order

Free enterprise- The free enterprise movement started in the 1700s, when many individuals were restricted from starting and owning their own business without the permission of the government. The movement looked to reduce ownership and other related restrictions, such as how one should operate their business and who they were allowed to trade with.

Free market- A free market is a market where the price of a good or service is determined bysupply and demand, rather than by governmental regulation.[1] A free market contrasts with a controlled market or regulated market, where price, supply or demand are subject to regulation or direct control by government. An economy composed entirely of free markets is referred to as a free-market economy.

Monday, December 3, 2012

China continued

Today in human geo we resumed the movie on china. Todays scenes focused on transportation in China. It explained car insureance and what people do when they get into accidents. Usually when a small " fender bender " happens, the person who hit one an other pays the other person right on the spot. On the other hand, accidents that involve totaled cars is a lot more difficult than a simple pay. A crew in a car insuance van of whatever type is called to the accident. The officer who saw or heard the accident is called to make the decision. usually one person is held 60% of fault and the other 40%. Who ever is needed to be paid hops in the van and is taken to the office to get paid. We also were informed about the people who build the roads and tunnels. We discussed a family of 5 that lives on the constuction site they work on for 10 months in a year. A house about half the size of a trailer is provided for them. Usually the men get 14 dollars a day. The women get paid much less.

Saturday, December 1, 2012


John Perry
November book
The Hobbit

           For my November reading book, I read the Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien. The book was about a group of dwarves, a wizard and a couple other interesting characters. The book was about a grand adventure with giant spiders and dragons. They roamed through castles and the forest to find the ring.
I give this book a 9.

4) I rated this book a 9 because it was action packed, funny, sad, all at different points in the story. The main character Bilbo Bobbins is a hobbit. He lives in the grasslands In a house with the knob dead center in the door. He created a great action story. When he wore a ring it made him invisible to everyone. He save a lot of lives by doing this. Gandalf, a crazy wizard helped them on the journey. He taught the group a lot about the unknown and what to be prepared for. This book was not a 10 because it was confusing at some points. The visual imagery was not always as clear as it should have been, and you couldn't picture what was going on. Overall this was one of my favorite books.

More on china

Today in class we finished up the movie about china. This movie gave me a ton of information on how china's government works and how china pays its people. Many people in china work for low wage in industries like building motors for hours and hours on. It is hard grueling work for the workers in china. The Chinese people say they like Americans because they pay good money and they are very nice. We learned about a girl in class who lived on a farm and her parents made about $500 a year and half of that went to her schooling. It is very sad to hear how much money people make over there. The Chinese arnt exactly happy about it. But they have to deal with it. The movie has opened my eyes about other countries. Now I am fortunate that I live in America .