Monday, December 3, 2012

China continued

Today in human geo we resumed the movie on china. Todays scenes focused on transportation in China. It explained car insureance and what people do when they get into accidents. Usually when a small " fender bender " happens, the person who hit one an other pays the other person right on the spot. On the other hand, accidents that involve totaled cars is a lot more difficult than a simple pay. A crew in a car insuance van of whatever type is called to the accident. The officer who saw or heard the accident is called to make the decision. usually one person is held 60% of fault and the other 40%. Who ever is needed to be paid hops in the van and is taken to the office to get paid. We also were informed about the people who build the roads and tunnels. We discussed a family of 5 that lives on the constuction site they work on for 10 months in a year. A house about half the size of a trailer is provided for them. Usually the men get 14 dollars a day. The women get paid much less.

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