Thursday, September 13, 2012

Did you know?

This whole video blew my mind, it was filled with intresting facts. The top 3 that blew my mind were, how they are training children for jobs, that don't even exist yet. Number 2 was how many interenet users there are for just Facebook. Number 1 was how by the year 2049 they will have computers for $1000 that exceed the capibility of the whole entire population on planet Earth.  The fact that children are being taught how to do things that haven't even been invented is crazy. Its amazing how people know what these children will eventually master when they grow up. There is enough facebook users to be one of they largest countries by population. By the year 2013 they will have a computer that can exceed a humans brain, that is amazing. It also may be a very VERY bad thing, but we shall wait and see.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Review 25 questions

Today in class we did an in depth review on our previous blog, from We answer 25 questions about the worlds government, transportation system, imports exports, etc. Mr. Schick explained to us these 25 questions. This lesson taught me a lot about how other countries work, how their government works and how they make a profit off of money they make. I realized how much other countries help America, if they like or dislike us, they give us aid and we give them aid. I never knew we traded oil with venezuala, and the president of venezuala hates America, but yet he still sells oil to America. I realized how little money chinese workers make sized to how much they work. I realized that America isnt as big as  it seems. Its third in population and barley in the top 5 of size.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012



  1. Essay 1.
    My original defintion of Arete is Plain and simple, it means excellence. Arete is an ancient Greek word. Socrates, a great Greek philosipher, either showed or taught excellence. Socrates was a very great man but he wasn't excellent at everything, I'm sure he strived to be excellent at everything he did, but I think he got more joy out of teaching how to be excellent than doing it himself. Ancient Greek showed excellence because they created Democracy, an almost perfect form of government that we still use today, Greeks created the Olympics that are also still used today. If those things are not excellent then I don't know what is. Socrates created a form of debate which was excellent for trying to help people understand things. Arete is Knowledge and the best knowledge is of knowledge itself. Like Socrates said, “I know everything I don’t know,” he made people think, and when people thought , it gave them knowledge and knowledge is Arete.
    Essay 2.
    If Elbert Hubbard and Socrates were to time travel they would be amazed, by the technology and the behavior of our modern timed people. Elbert Hubbert would learn that people got even lazier. Back then lazy would have been not cleaning the kitchen table or not making your bed. Our generation has taken laziness to a whole new level. In "A message to Garcia," all he needs to find is someone who is loyal and willing to get the job done. Nowadays i can guarentee you, that if you were to ask someone to climb the mountains and deliver a message they would say no, just because they are to lazy to do it. Elbert Hubbard wwould be ashamed. Socrates on the other hand would be mindblown. I mean Elbert was only 100 years ago, Socrates was 1000's. Anyways, Socrates would get bored, because nobody would want to talk to him, no one would follow him around the streets asking him questions. This generation of people have great internet sources that do know the answer to all their questions.
    Essay 3. My Plan is for every day to complete my work and complete at a very high quality. I want to have a successful 4 year, but to have a successful 4 years i need to be successful every single day. My first step is my strategy. My strategy is to come home from any type of sports and finish my homework on time and at a high quality, i also need to complete schoolwork and pay attention in every single classroom. I want to use the gifts God has given me to complete work at my finest and at the teachers requirement in order to become a successful graduate of The John Carroll school in the year 2016. I am responsible for all my work in the classroom and outside of the classroom. I am responsible for turning my work in on time and completing it at my teachers needs. The steps to be a successful graduate are, being at school every single day and if not making up work that needs to be completed. Also working as hard as I can in an outside of the classroom. Every quarter I want to end with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. I want to be into as many clubs as I can and be a part of the John Carroll community. I want to pass every single year and as a Freshman, eventually upgrade to be a Senior. These steps will be completed in 2016, my graduate year. The resources I need to complete this are, Teachers, Friends, Parents, My laptop, Other students, and myself.

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  2. My orientation was pretty spectactular. I came in at normal school day time, all dressed up and ready for school. The school provided breakfast for me as soon as i walked in. The freshman class was pretty big which suprized me because on my shadow day i didnt see a lot of other freshman there. We were in the auditorim first, and we were given a speech by some of the staff and other students. We had a schedual set up for us already. we had advisory and then the rest of our day was filled in with other classes. The best part of the day was seeing all of my football friends and meeting new friends. I liked all of my teachers and im pretty satisfied with the classes im taking. High school is deffinetly a change from middle school, and i feel like it is going to be a lot more work, but am very commited. I think it is going to be a very fun 4 years at the John Carroll school.

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  3. Today in human geo, we started our ancient greece unit. Yesterday Mr.shick assigned us words we had to define. These words connected to ancient Greece. Our main focus today was on the ancient Greek philosipher Socrates. Socrates was a very wise and smart man. He was also a very ugly man, he walked around the streets barefooted while kids walked behind him. Socrates had an important method, his method was a form of debate involving opposite view points, by asking and answering questions. Which can kinda explain the kids roaming behind him, Since he was so wise, the kids wanted to learn from him, kids would ask questions and socrates would pretty much say "what do you think?" even though he probably knew the answer, he wanted to hear what other people thought. Right around that time period, ancient Greece started coming out with all these scientific breakthroughs, like that the sun was a ball of fire not a god pulling a flaming chariot across the sky. Socates was a man who stood behind what he thought and beleived that all these scientific things were real. So he told the kids and other people that wanted knowlegde what he thought. Eventually people heard that he was a non-beilever in the Gods. Socrates was arrested. Greece was the very FIRST goverment to have a democracy. Socrates sat before about 500 people and was given a choice to apologize or to die. Socrates did not apologize in fact he did  the oposite and said he will be fed and not have to pay for anything for the rest of his life, and stood behind what he beileved. 60% of the people voted that he should die, and was forced to drink hemlock a form of poison.

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  4. Today in Mr.Shick's class we learn a variery of things. Todays class included class participation. We read a bit from the book "A message to Garcia," and learned a lot of valuble lessons. In the book we read how people were lazy, pesonally i thought this generation of people are lazy, but that is not the case. In the very first paragraph the author kinda tells you, if you work for a man be very loyal to him. He was pretty much saying, if your boss tells you to do somthing, you do it no questions asked. The war between Spain and the United states broke out in 1898, and message was need to be sent to a man neamed Garcia. The problem was, nobody knew exactly where he was except that he was somwhere in the mountains. Garcia was the leader of the insurgents and needed to be notified quickly about the war. The president needed some one loyal to get this message to Garcia. A man named Rowan was the perfect man for the job. Rowan eventually reached Garcia and delivered the message. insted of stopping at the saloon for a couple drinks, Rowan got the job done, and thats all that mattered.

    Arete- A sharp rugged mountain ridge, produced by glaciation.
    Polis-A combining form, meaning "city," appearing in loan words from Greek.
    Socrates-An ancient Greek philospher who was the teacher of Plato.
    The death of Socrates-is a painting. In the painting it is the scene of his death by drinking hemlock.
    The socratic method- A form of debate between apposite view points, by asking and answering questions.
    508 B.C-Kilsthenis over powered, he placed in Athenian democracy.

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  5. My first day was very intersting. I got to school very early, and sat in the cafeteria with some of my friends until the bell rang and it was time to go to advisory. It was a very long day with only 1 free mod for lunch, but i met a lot of new people and made a number of friends. Today I had Math, Spanish, Physical education, Intro to Bible, Human Geography, and Earth science. In all the classes I liked the teachers and look foward to being able to spend the rest of the year with them. I wanted to make a good first impression for my teachers so i showed up to class prepared and on time. My favorite class has to be Physical education or Human Geography because in PE i get to relax and and spend time with friends. I also like Human Geo because i am intrested in the subject and it seems to be a fun class to participate in. Today in Human Geo I learned Mr.Shick's rules in and outside of the classroom. I was alerted about his late work policy and also what we will be studying throughout the year. I am very excited for tomorow and the rest of the year.

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