Thursday, September 13, 2012

Did you know?

This whole video blew my mind, it was filled with intresting facts. The top 3 that blew my mind were, how they are training children for jobs, that don't even exist yet. Number 2 was how many interenet users there are for just Facebook. Number 1 was how by the year 2049 they will have computers for $1000 that exceed the capibility of the whole entire population on planet Earth.  The fact that children are being taught how to do things that haven't even been invented is crazy. Its amazing how people know what these children will eventually master when they grow up. There is enough facebook users to be one of they largest countries by population. By the year 2013 they will have a computer that can exceed a humans brain, that is amazing. It also may be a very VERY bad thing, but we shall wait and see.

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