Friday, May 17, 2013


After Rome 500 AD- 700 Ad

- The Germanic Barbarians take over and become the Nobels of medievil Europe
- The Angles and Saxons were from Denmark and ivaded Britain and assimilated the culture
- Most of the Anglo- Saxons were converted to Christianity
- The most powerful tribe was the Franks

Eastern Europe
From East of the Empire to Byzantium

- The Eastern Roman empire was doing fine, while the west was being taken over by the Barbarians
-Justinian came into power in 527, he decided to reunite the Roman empire and wanted to conquer the western territory
-He succeeded a little bit, but was taken back over by barbarians

-Greek Byzantine emperors saw themselves as Roman empires and head of the church
-Byzantines kept Roman art, architecture, philosophy and writing despite much of it being non-Christian
-In 537 AD the finished version of the Cathedral of Hagia Sophia was finished

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