Friday, May 17, 2013

Rome fades away

This is the era when Rome started to become non-important.

What happened:
Roman territory in the west became way to hard to take care of. It was far away and  barbarians were trying to take over. This took a lot of  energy  to defend and a lot of people.

The fourth century:
- Country dwellers get bankkrupt by endless tax collection
- New farming system: peasents work for landlords on large farms
- Peasant can avoid paying taxes, but they are getting hit just as hard by the landlords
- Paying off debts and being "allowed" to live on land, in exchange for endless back-breaking work (great deal!)
- Landowners hold local power as counts and bishops, wielding more real power than the farawaay empire
- Foreshadowing feudalism

Western empire:
- Rome's power decreased, while barbarians gain power
- Rom becomes too poor, and begins to "forget" about the west
- Huns come from China to eastern Europe
- Visigoths takeover Spain and loot Rome in 410 AD
- Vandals control Carthage

End of Rome:
- 500 B.C the monarchy is abolished
- 450 B.C The twelve tables are established
- 44 B.C end of the line for Julius Ceaser
- 27 B.C- 180 B.C Pax Romana
- The last empire was a teenage boy and was deposed with out even killing him

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