Monday, December 10, 2012


Today in human geo, we met a new Japenese student whose name was Ryu. He was very nice and he spoke okay English. We mainly worked on our presentation. Our group is doing the Iphone and why Americans should buy Iphones made in America. MAC is slowly but surley changing to American factories to assembly and design parts for not only Iphones but Ipods, Laptops, computers and Ipads. This would be better because it creates more jobs for Americans. My group finished 2 slides and added good information. Mr.Schick helped us find websites. We found one that was written by a quick witted reporter about why Iphones should be assembeled in America. This will be our main source of information.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Deffinitions we should know

Capitalism-An economic system that is based on private ownership of the means of productive and the productive of goods or services for profit.

Communism- is a revolutionary socialist movement to create a classlessand stateless social order structured uponcommon ownership of the means of production, as well as a social, politicaland economic ideology that aims at the establishment of this social order

Free enterprise- The free enterprise movement started in the 1700s, when many individuals were restricted from starting and owning their own business without the permission of the government. The movement looked to reduce ownership and other related restrictions, such as how one should operate their business and who they were allowed to trade with.

Free market- A free market is a market where the price of a good or service is determined bysupply and demand, rather than by governmental regulation.[1] A free market contrasts with a controlled market or regulated market, where price, supply or demand are subject to regulation or direct control by government. An economy composed entirely of free markets is referred to as a free-market economy.

Monday, December 3, 2012

China continued

Today in human geo we resumed the movie on china. Todays scenes focused on transportation in China. It explained car insureance and what people do when they get into accidents. Usually when a small " fender bender " happens, the person who hit one an other pays the other person right on the spot. On the other hand, accidents that involve totaled cars is a lot more difficult than a simple pay. A crew in a car insuance van of whatever type is called to the accident. The officer who saw or heard the accident is called to make the decision. usually one person is held 60% of fault and the other 40%. Who ever is needed to be paid hops in the van and is taken to the office to get paid. We also were informed about the people who build the roads and tunnels. We discussed a family of 5 that lives on the constuction site they work on for 10 months in a year. A house about half the size of a trailer is provided for them. Usually the men get 14 dollars a day. The women get paid much less.

Saturday, December 1, 2012


John Perry
November book
The Hobbit

           For my November reading book, I read the Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien. The book was about a group of dwarves, a wizard and a couple other interesting characters. The book was about a grand adventure with giant spiders and dragons. They roamed through castles and the forest to find the ring.
I give this book a 9.

4) I rated this book a 9 because it was action packed, funny, sad, all at different points in the story. The main character Bilbo Bobbins is a hobbit. He lives in the grasslands In a house with the knob dead center in the door. He created a great action story. When he wore a ring it made him invisible to everyone. He save a lot of lives by doing this. Gandalf, a crazy wizard helped them on the journey. He taught the group a lot about the unknown and what to be prepared for. This book was not a 10 because it was confusing at some points. The visual imagery was not always as clear as it should have been, and you couldn't picture what was going on. Overall this was one of my favorite books.

More on china

Today in class we finished up the movie about china. This movie gave me a ton of information on how china's government works and how china pays its people. Many people in china work for low wage in industries like building motors for hours and hours on. It is hard grueling work for the workers in china. The Chinese people say they like Americans because they pay good money and they are very nice. We learned about a girl in class who lived on a farm and her parents made about $500 a year and half of that went to her schooling. It is very sad to hear how much money people make over there. The Chinese arnt exactly happy about it. But they have to deal with it. The movie has opened my eyes about other countries. Now I am fortunate that I live in America .

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Chinese

Today in Human Geograpghy we learned a variety of things about the Chinese and their life styles. I learned that China can barely support its people. There are two ways to make money. Either work a hard grueling job in the country side for a it better pay or work for eight hours in a factory for much less than minimal wage in America. China has a booming economy because of its exports. If you were to go into any wal-mart in America, 85% to 90% of the items were made and esembled in China. I learned more about the one child policy. China loves its kids, but can't afford to have much population growth.

Monday, November 26, 2012

A bit about China

I got my test back today. I did great on it. The test was about our world leaders today and what they do, where they live and rule, what they look like etc. Today Mr.Schick started a video on china and how the one child policy is effecting many families in china. Natural disasters cause families to loose a one and only child.  The government allows the families to try to have another child again, if they can prove they lost a child. Communism in china also plays a big effect. Families may not have enough money to provide for multiple childeren. We discussed about how brand names in china plays a huge rule in the economy. Shoes will cost $5 to make but will sell for over $100.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Country facts


Was founded in 625 BCE by the median empire. Iran achieved independence on April 1, 1979. Iran was ruled by empires. Iran did not have a stable government before 1979. Iran was always Iran, it was ruled by many empires through the years.

Was ruled by spain until September 16th 1810, when Mexico acheived independence. In 1521 Spain conquered and colonized the territory now known has Mexico. The post independence period was characterized by economic instability, a civil war, two empires and a domestic dictatorship.

was never ruled by another empire. Was founded in 1932. Has been and absolute monarchy since its inception.

United Kingdom-
has never been ruled, but once ruled the world at one point in time. The sun never set on the Brittish empire. The United Kingdom once ruled America and many other countries.

Was colonized by Spain in 1522. Venezuala gained independence in 1821. Was ruled by Spain. Venezuala had many indigidous peoples living. Before independence Many indigeous people lived here.


Gained Independence on August 19th,1919

In Afghan on December 1838 there was a war called the Two Anglo Afghan War. In the fourth and nineteenth centuries modern day Afghanistan was known as Khorasan. After the Third Anglo-Afghan war and the signing of the Treaty of Rawalpindi it became a fully independent state

They were subjects to the United Kingdom


Gained Independence on September 7th, 1822

On April 22nd, 1500 a Portuguese navigator named Pedro Alvares Cabral reached the shores of Brazil. The country got its name from "brazilwood" a redwood tree found along the coast. The king of Portuguese ruled Brazil before they gained indepenence.

They were subjects to portuguese


They gained independence on July 14th, 1789

France used to have a monarchy until the 1700's. King Louis XIV made France at the time the leading country in Europe. France's monarchy was destroyed after a war in 1789.

France was never owned by any country

Location of  Metropolitan France  (dark green)– in Europe  (green & dark grey)– in the European Union  (green)  —  [Legend]


They gained independence on January 18th, 1871

Germany was part of the thirty years war. Germany divided into numerous independent states called Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony. The northern states in Germany were protestant, and the southern states were catholic.

I couldn't find anything but im gonna guess the Dutch

Location of  Germany  (dark green)– in Europe  (green & dark grey)– in the European Union  (green)  —  [Legend]


They gained there independence on August 15th, 1947

In the 20th century Mahatma Gandhi led millions of people to gain independence from Britain. European powers such as Portugal, Netherlands, France and the United Kingdom established trading posts in India. Later then they established colonies.

They were controlled by Great Britain.

Image of a globe centred on India, with India highlighted.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Another world leaders conversation

Today we had another conversation about world leaders. We discussed our new president Obama and he won his second term in office. We learned a variety of backrounds. Dilma Rouseff  was  beaten and tourtured because they government didnt like what she was doing. She is now the first female president of Brazil. Hugo chavis has been in jail. Hu jintao is at the end of his long run in China. David Cameron was once involved in a drug allegation earlier in his career. We learned about Abudullah Bin Abudull Aziz, he has 35 kids and has had 13 wives. Erique pena nieto is very involved in a security program in his country. Hamid karzai is the first leader of Afganistan after the taliaban.

Monday, November 5, 2012


Hu Jintao-
1) Still one of the only leaders who are communist
2) Lowered the population of China

Enrique pena nieto-
1) A member of the international revolutionary party
2)The former governor of the state of Mexico from 2005 to 2011

Francois Holland-
1) Special advisory for the president of france,before he to office.

Dilma Rouseff-
1) She is the first president as a woman in Brazil.
2) she was captured and tourtured.

Hugo Chavis-

Abdullah Bin Abdull Aziz-
1)Hes had 35 kids and 13 wives
2)He has recently became president

Pranab Mukhejee-

David Cameron-
1) the youngest elected prime minister since earl of liverpool
2) Joined the conservative research department and became special advisor to Norman Lamont.
3) Was involed in a drug scadal at eton college

Joachin Gauck

Shiman Peres-

Mahoud Ahmadinjad-

Hamid Karzai-
1) Many people have tried to assasinate him.
2) He is the ruler after the Taliben

Barrack Obama-
1) The first African American President

Benjamin Netanyahu
1) The first isreal prime minister born in Israel  after founding of the state.
2) Bacame team leader in sayeret ma'kal special forces unit

Friday, October 26, 2012

World leaders

Mexico                                                                                                                   China
Constitutional- based federal republic                                                              Communist
Felipe Calderon                                                                                                      Hu Jintao
Today in human geo we reveiwed all the religions, and what would most likely be on the test.Shick gave us examples and we worked on answer questions for eachother. We review buddism judiasm islam christianity and hinduism. We also talked about the five characteristics of culture. We discussed about the native Americans, the vikings and cristopher columbus. We talked freely aroung the room and gave Mr.Shick many questions for on the test.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Questions for test

1. Put Christianity, Islam, Buddism, Hinduism and Judaism in order by number of followers. Least to Greatest. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism
2. Define wether these religions are monotheistic or polytheistic.
Word Bank:
Chritianity Monotheistic, Islam Monotheistic, Buddism, Hinduism Monotheistic, Judaism Montotheistic.
3. What religion is the oldest surviving monotheistic religion? Judaism
4. Do Christians have a holy book? If so, what is it? The New Testimate
5. How many people in the world have no religion/beleifs at all? 1 billion

BONUS QUESTION: Write down three ways to name the Islamic holy book. Quran,Koran, Coran

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Hinduism in class today

Today was a rather intresting day. Mr.Shick came in late, so i was on watchout for a bit. Anyway, We reviewed Cristianity and Islam and learned more about Hinduism. Christinity is monotheistic, and has over 1.7 billion followers. Christianity is mostly based in the Americas. Christianity's holy book is the Gospel. Not the bible. Most Chirstians beleive in the new testimate. Islam(muslim) is where people believe in Allah. America is in a war will the middle east because of some Islamic extemeist. Islam is based in the middle east. Hinduism Is monotheistic. Hindus beleive that a God keeps reincarnating as a new animal. There is also a heaven but it takes a very long time to get in to it.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

October 11, 2012

Today was quite intresting. We started out by evaluating a map that was highlighted the borders of the counties in America. The map was about what counties say most popularly for soft drinks. Mr.Shick informed us that where he was from, everyone said pop. I am used to saying soda. We analyzed the map. The main lesson of the day was about cultural characteristics. We talked about how in most middle eastern countries, the main language spoke is Arabic, We talked about how this could be good and how it could be bad. English is the language of buiness and trade. Even in China, most people know how to speak english. About 80% of Americans speak english. The second language spoken is Spanish. Canada speaks mostly english but in sopme terriories, Canadians speak French, for instence Quebec wanted their own country because Quebec spoke mostly French and Quebec wanted their own government and culture. Language is a big characteristic in culture.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Oct 4,

Today in human geo our class talked about a variety of things. We disussed a little about the movie we previously watched "God Grew Tired of Us," and we spoke about how we could help the less fortunate in Africa and mainly Sudan. We searched up different types of charitable organizations that  were in relation with the lost boys of Sudan. The group that I was in discovered two foundations that helped the less fortunate in Africa. Our first was Tom's. If you were to buy any pair of Tom's, a pair would be sent to a kid in Africa who needs shoes. Our second finding was an organization by the name of HelpSudan. This organization is a non-profit organization that many can donate to help the people in Africa who can't afford school supplies for children. The money also goes to help build classrooms and schools.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Did you know?

This whole video blew my mind, it was filled with intresting facts. The top 3 that blew my mind were, how they are training children for jobs, that don't even exist yet. Number 2 was how many interenet users there are for just Facebook. Number 1 was how by the year 2049 they will have computers for $1000 that exceed the capibility of the whole entire population on planet Earth.  The fact that children are being taught how to do things that haven't even been invented is crazy. Its amazing how people know what these children will eventually master when they grow up. There is enough facebook users to be one of they largest countries by population. By the year 2013 they will have a computer that can exceed a humans brain, that is amazing. It also may be a very VERY bad thing, but we shall wait and see.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Review 25 questions

Today in class we did an in depth review on our previous blog, from We answer 25 questions about the worlds government, transportation system, imports exports, etc. Mr. Schick explained to us these 25 questions. This lesson taught me a lot about how other countries work, how their government works and how they make a profit off of money they make. I realized how much other countries help America, if they like or dislike us, they give us aid and we give them aid. I never knew we traded oil with venezuala, and the president of venezuala hates America, but yet he still sells oil to America. I realized how little money chinese workers make sized to how much they work. I realized that America isnt as big as  it seems. Its third in population and barley in the top 5 of size.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012



  1. Essay 1.
    My original defintion of Arete is Plain and simple, it means excellence. Arete is an ancient Greek word. Socrates, a great Greek philosipher, either showed or taught excellence. Socrates was a very great man but he wasn't excellent at everything, I'm sure he strived to be excellent at everything he did, but I think he got more joy out of teaching how to be excellent than doing it himself. Ancient Greek showed excellence because they created Democracy, an almost perfect form of government that we still use today, Greeks created the Olympics that are also still used today. If those things are not excellent then I don't know what is. Socrates created a form of debate which was excellent for trying to help people understand things. Arete is Knowledge and the best knowledge is of knowledge itself. Like Socrates said, “I know everything I don’t know,” he made people think, and when people thought , it gave them knowledge and knowledge is Arete.
    Essay 2.
    If Elbert Hubbard and Socrates were to time travel they would be amazed, by the technology and the behavior of our modern timed people. Elbert Hubbert would learn that people got even lazier. Back then lazy would have been not cleaning the kitchen table or not making your bed. Our generation has taken laziness to a whole new level. In "A message to Garcia," all he needs to find is someone who is loyal and willing to get the job done. Nowadays i can guarentee you, that if you were to ask someone to climb the mountains and deliver a message they would say no, just because they are to lazy to do it. Elbert Hubbard wwould be ashamed. Socrates on the other hand would be mindblown. I mean Elbert was only 100 years ago, Socrates was 1000's. Anyways, Socrates would get bored, because nobody would want to talk to him, no one would follow him around the streets asking him questions. This generation of people have great internet sources that do know the answer to all their questions.
    Essay 3. My Plan is for every day to complete my work and complete at a very high quality. I want to have a successful 4 year, but to have a successful 4 years i need to be successful every single day. My first step is my strategy. My strategy is to come home from any type of sports and finish my homework on time and at a high quality, i also need to complete schoolwork and pay attention in every single classroom. I want to use the gifts God has given me to complete work at my finest and at the teachers requirement in order to become a successful graduate of The John Carroll school in the year 2016. I am responsible for all my work in the classroom and outside of the classroom. I am responsible for turning my work in on time and completing it at my teachers needs. The steps to be a successful graduate are, being at school every single day and if not making up work that needs to be completed. Also working as hard as I can in an outside of the classroom. Every quarter I want to end with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. I want to be into as many clubs as I can and be a part of the John Carroll community. I want to pass every single year and as a Freshman, eventually upgrade to be a Senior. These steps will be completed in 2016, my graduate year. The resources I need to complete this are, Teachers, Friends, Parents, My laptop, Other students, and myself.

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  2. My orientation was pretty spectactular. I came in at normal school day time, all dressed up and ready for school. The school provided breakfast for me as soon as i walked in. The freshman class was pretty big which suprized me because on my shadow day i didnt see a lot of other freshman there. We were in the auditorim first, and we were given a speech by some of the staff and other students. We had a schedual set up for us already. we had advisory and then the rest of our day was filled in with other classes. The best part of the day was seeing all of my football friends and meeting new friends. I liked all of my teachers and im pretty satisfied with the classes im taking. High school is deffinetly a change from middle school, and i feel like it is going to be a lot more work, but am very commited. I think it is going to be a very fun 4 years at the John Carroll school.

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  3. Today in human geo, we started our ancient greece unit. Yesterday Mr.shick assigned us words we had to define. These words connected to ancient Greece. Our main focus today was on the ancient Greek philosipher Socrates. Socrates was a very wise and smart man. He was also a very ugly man, he walked around the streets barefooted while kids walked behind him. Socrates had an important method, his method was a form of debate involving opposite view points, by asking and answering questions. Which can kinda explain the kids roaming behind him, Since he was so wise, the kids wanted to learn from him, kids would ask questions and socrates would pretty much say "what do you think?" even though he probably knew the answer, he wanted to hear what other people thought. Right around that time period, ancient Greece started coming out with all these scientific breakthroughs, like that the sun was a ball of fire not a god pulling a flaming chariot across the sky. Socates was a man who stood behind what he thought and beleived that all these scientific things were real. So he told the kids and other people that wanted knowlegde what he thought. Eventually people heard that he was a non-beilever in the Gods. Socrates was arrested. Greece was the very FIRST goverment to have a democracy. Socrates sat before about 500 people and was given a choice to apologize or to die. Socrates did not apologize in fact he did  the oposite and said he will be fed and not have to pay for anything for the rest of his life, and stood behind what he beileved. 60% of the people voted that he should die, and was forced to drink hemlock a form of poison.

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  4. Today in Mr.Shick's class we learn a variery of things. Todays class included class participation. We read a bit from the book "A message to Garcia," and learned a lot of valuble lessons. In the book we read how people were lazy, pesonally i thought this generation of people are lazy, but that is not the case. In the very first paragraph the author kinda tells you, if you work for a man be very loyal to him. He was pretty much saying, if your boss tells you to do somthing, you do it no questions asked. The war between Spain and the United states broke out in 1898, and message was need to be sent to a man neamed Garcia. The problem was, nobody knew exactly where he was except that he was somwhere in the mountains. Garcia was the leader of the insurgents and needed to be notified quickly about the war. The president needed some one loyal to get this message to Garcia. A man named Rowan was the perfect man for the job. Rowan eventually reached Garcia and delivered the message. insted of stopping at the saloon for a couple drinks, Rowan got the job done, and thats all that mattered.

    Arete- A sharp rugged mountain ridge, produced by glaciation.
    Polis-A combining form, meaning "city," appearing in loan words from Greek.
    Socrates-An ancient Greek philospher who was the teacher of Plato.
    The death of Socrates-is a painting. In the painting it is the scene of his death by drinking hemlock.
    The socratic method- A form of debate between apposite view points, by asking and answering questions.
    508 B.C-Kilsthenis over powered, he placed in Athenian democracy.

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  5. My first day was very intersting. I got to school very early, and sat in the cafeteria with some of my friends until the bell rang and it was time to go to advisory. It was a very long day with only 1 free mod for lunch, but i met a lot of new people and made a number of friends. Today I had Math, Spanish, Physical education, Intro to Bible, Human Geography, and Earth science. In all the classes I liked the teachers and look foward to being able to spend the rest of the year with them. I wanted to make a good first impression for my teachers so i showed up to class prepared and on time. My favorite class has to be Physical education or Human Geography because in PE i get to relax and and spend time with friends. I also like Human Geo because i am intrested in the subject and it seems to be a fun class to participate in. Today in Human Geo I learned Mr.Shick's rules in and outside of the classroom. I was alerted about his late work policy and also what we will be studying throughout the year. I am very excited for tomorow and the rest of the year.

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